Development of business strategy Designing and changing Feasibility study Preparation of business Plans and financial forecasts Cost optimization Business valuation Due diligence
Development of business strategy Designing and changing Feasibility study Preparation of business Plans and financial forecasts Cost optimization Business valuation Due diligence

Our Way

We focus on small and medium sized businesses facing transition period in their growth
We combine extensive investment experience and operating resources to fund and grow businesses while empowering management teams to lead
We believe in wise and balanced actions based on a pragmatic approach in order to achieve qualitative and sustainable change
Our goal is to support, without telling you how to do your business
We love to find great opportunities and offer full and fair value in growing the business for mutual benefit
We believe that the key to success is working hard together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect

Selling The Business

Whether you are willing to sell the full or part of your business finding the right partner is critical to success. Bergen has a long track-record of successfully investing in private companies in a timely and confidential manner.

We will work with you and your management team to ensure a perfect transition and to make sure the business continues successfully into the future.

Growth Capital

If you want to continue growing your business with the help of an experienced partner, Bergen is the right choice. We can provide capital, financial experience and strategic guidance to help you achieve your goals.

We have in-depth experience on how to work collaboratively with you to take your business to the next level.

Succession Planning

Bergen has outstanding experience helping owners transition day-to-day operation of their business to management and if required, finding new managers that fit with the company and will continue the heritage of the business.

We will work hard to allow owners to spend less time on the daily operations of the business, promote or hire managers to take over critical roles, and allow owners to take significant capital out of the business.

Management Buyouts

If you are currently managing a business and want to acquire it from the current owner, Bergen has the experience and resources to help you complete a successful management buyout.

We have worked with numerous management teams to facilitate a successful acquisition and provide a strong backstop to the management team for growth plans.